- [S808] Sholder Research Files. Privately held by Kevin Leonard Sholder, [(e-address) & street address for private use),] Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- [S1021] Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois). 7 April 1954. NewsBank. http://infoweb.newsbank.com: America's Obituaries & Death Notices by NewsBank, Record No. 19540407dn139. Accessed 18 January 2007.
- [S1066] Deaths in Ohio [Chillicothe], The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio, 1 July 1938. The original was copied from microfilm held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library of the The Columbus Dispatch, roll number 367, with a date range of 29 May 1938 through 3 July 1938. Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus, Ohio.

- [S1067] Deaths in Ohio [Chillicothe], The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus, Ohio, 11 September 1939. The original was copied from microfilm held at the Columbus Metropolitan Library of the The Columbus Dispatch, roll number 379, with a date range of 3 August 1939 through 11 September 1939. Columbus Metropolitan Library, Columbus, Ohio.

- [S1097] Death of Jersey Billeisen, clipping from an unidentified newspaper presumably from a local paper in Chillicothe, Ohio, 3 December 1908. This obituary was from a card file of copied, alphabetized and dated obituaries that have been compiled by visitors to the library. Chillicothe & Ross County Public Library, Chillicothe, Ohio.

- [S1098] Mrs. Eliza Schaeffer obituary, clipping from an unidentified newspaper presumably from a local paper in Chillicothe, Ohio, 25 December 1924. This obituary was from a card file of copied, alphabetized and dated obituaries that have been compiled by visitors to the library. Chillicothe & Ross County Public Library, Chillicothe, Ohio.

- [S1105] Miss Elizabeth Scholderer obituary, The Chillicothe Scioto Gazette, Chillicothe, Ohio, 8 September 1939. The original was copied from microfilm held at the Chillicothe & Ross County Public Library of the Chillicothe Scioto Gazette, no film number was given, only a date range of 1 September 1939 through 14 December 1939. Chillicothe & Ross County Public Library, Chillicothe, Ohio.

- [S1447] Shellhouse-Rivers Funeral Home. Shellhouse-Rivers Funeral Home Obituaries, Donald Eckner Jarrett, Jr., online http://www.meaningfulfunerals.net/fh/print.cfm. 715 East Pine Log Road, Aiken, South Carolina 29803; USA; 803-641-4401; page last updated February 2008.
- [S1449] Morse, Stephen P. Decoding Social Security Numbers in One Step; Five-Digit Decoder, online <http://www.stevemorse.org/ssn/ssn.html>. San Fransico, California; page last updated 2007.
- [S1492] Ohio. Ross County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S1494] Ohio. Ross County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S1500] Ohio. Ross County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S1501] Ohio. Ross County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S1516] Ohio. Ross County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S1517] Ohio. Hamilton County. "Ohio Deaths 1908-1953." Database and images. FamilySearch Labs, Record Search http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch/ : 2008.

- [S2047] Streep, Albert. Welcome to Albert Streep's Family Tree, online http://gw5.geneanet.org/index.php3?b=streep1. Netherlands; page last updated 30 November 2010.
- [S2048] Zondler, Helmut. Die Bevölkerung von Stuttgart Wangen ab 1558 [The population of Stuttgart Wangen from 1558], online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi. Stuttgart Wangen, Germany; page last updated 10 December 2010.
- [S2057] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS]. "International Genealogical Index." Database. FamilySearch. http://www.familysearch.org : 2010.
- [S2058] Hutchinson, Diane (Sigmund). Sigmund Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/9597203/. Page last updated 2010.
- [S2059] Harcourt, Dorothy. Henricks Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/16928472/. Page last updated 2010.
- [S2060] Haflich, Michael. M. Haflich Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/11142007/. Page last updated 2010.
- [S2061] Mikesch0. Familienstammbaum Dinkelacker, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/2643371/. Page last updated 2010.
- [S2066] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Digital Image. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2011. Find A Grave Memorial No. 24863836. Scan by Jo Bohony.

- [S2067] The Star-Ledger (Newark, New Jersey). 22 January 2003. NewsBank. http://infoweb.newsbank.com: America's Obituaries & Death Notices by NewsBank, Record No. star20033e2ed28eb. Accessed 17 January 2011.
- [S2068] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2069] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2070] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2075] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2076] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2077] The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). 6 November 2001. NewsBank. http://infoweb.newsbank.com: America's Obituaries & Death Notices by NewsBank, Record No. 127407. Accessed 23 January 2011.
- [S2078] The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). 9 November 2001. NewsBank. http://infoweb.newsbank.com: America's Obituaries & Death Notices by NewsBank, Record No. 7003277204. Accessed 23 January 2011.
- [S2079] Social Security Administration. "U.S. Social Security Death Index." Database. RootsWeb.com. <http://ssdi.rootsweb.ancestry.com/> : 2011.
- [S2088] Held, Karl. HELD family from Sindelfingen, Wuerttemberg, Germany, online http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=kh1. Page last updated 14 February 2011.
- [S2106] The San Diego Union-Tribune (San Diego, California). 20 March 2011. NewsBank. http://infoweb.newsbank.com: America's Obituaries & Death Notices by NewsBank, Record No. UTS2205691. Accessed 1 May 2011.
- [S2126] "Couple observes 25th anniversary" Williamsport Sun-Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 1 October 2010. Online archives. http://www.sungazette.com/page/content.detail/id/554365/… : 2011. Kevin Leonard Sholder, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- [S2137] "Eck-Caputo" Williamsport Sun-Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 7 February 2010. Online archives. http://www.sungazette.com/page/content.detail/id/539023/… : 2011. Kevin Leonard Sholder, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- [S2163] Breitling, BJ. Breitling Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/5375274/. Page last updated 2011.
- [S2164] Blueyesdeb. Zeller Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/7127859/. Page last updated 2011.
- [S2165] REGAL19931. The Bauer Family 070, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/1159042/. Mesa, Arizona; page last updated 2011.
- [S2166] Usmarinedude. Teal Peterson Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/1450133/. Page last updated 2011.
- [S2167] Deems, Barbara. Deems/Serr Family Tree, online http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/2530772/. Las Vegas, Nevada; page last updated 2011.
- [S2168] "Gladys Breitling obituary" Billings Gazette, Billings, Montana, 16 April 2003. Online archives. http://billingsgazette.com/lifestyles/announcements/… : 2011. Kevin Leonard Sholder, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- [S2306] "Mr., Mrs. Edward Mull observe 50th anniversary" Williamsport Sun-Gazette, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 15 April 2012. Online archives. http://www.sungazette.com/page/content.detail/id/577006/… : 2013. Kevin Leonard Sholder, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- [S2515] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2019. Find A Grave Memorial No. 124029870. Transcript by BluMoKitty (contributor 46830270).
- [S2516] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2019. Find A Grave Memorial No. 97480178. Transcript by Eagles Nest (contributor 47014849).
- [S2539] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2019. Find A Grave Memorial No. 77244211. Transcript by William Ewing (contributor 47503092).
- [S2657] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2020. Find A Grave Memorial No. 81398462. Transcript by Valerie Lawrence (contributor 47334456).
- [S2697] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2020. Find A Grave Memorial No. 55751079. Transcript by Deborah Ridgway (contributor 47148999).
- [S2848] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2023. Find A Grave Memorial No. 198126071. Transcript by Athanatos (contributor 46907585).
- [S2849] Find A Grave, Inc.. Find A Grave.com. Transcript. <http://www.findagrave.com/> : 2023. Find A Grave Memorial No. 198138664. Transcript by Athanatos (contributor 46907585).