Edward Scholder1,2 
M, (circa 1838 - 20 August 1864)
Edward Scholder was born circa 1838.2 He died on 20 August 1864 at Andersonville prison, Macon & Sumter Counties, Georgia.1 He was buried in grave 6253, in the Andersonville National Historic Site, located in Macon & Sumter Counties, Georgia.1
He was in military service with Company F of the 24th Ohio Infantry in the Union Army. He enlisted on 11 June 1861 as a private, age 23. He was captured by the Confederate Army on 20 Sep 1863 during the Battle of Chickamauga in Walker County, Georgia. He was then taken to Andersonville prison, located at Camp Sumter, Georgia.1,2 Chickamagua after battle report:
Report of Col. David J. Higgins, Twenty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to report the following marches and engagements in which my command has borne a part since September 4, 1863, together with a list of casualties which have occurred during that time:
This command being detached as escort to wagon train crossed the Tennessee River with 19 commissioned officers and 310 enlisted men. Of these 27 were detailed in quartermastter's department and as company cooks, and 6 sick, leaving an effective force of 277 enlisted men and 19 commissioned officers.
Rejoining the brigade on the morning of the 5th September, we marched by the way of Nickajack and Squirreltown Creek to within 10 miles of Chattanooga.
On the morning of the 9th September, the Twenty-fourth Ohio, Twenty-third Kentucky, and Eighty-fourth Illinois Regt.s, under your command, made a reconnaissance of Mount Lookout by a steep bridle-path, the Twenty-fourth Ohio in advance. Reached the top at 6 a. m., my skirmishers meeting and driving in the enemy's cavalry pickets. There we received orders to march upon Chattanooga. This we did, meeting no enemy, he having evacuated that place the night previous. We camped at Rossville, where we were joined by the remainder of the brigade.
On the 10th, advanced on the road to Ringgold, skirmishing with the enemy and passing Graysville, reaching Ringgold, in conjunction with the whole of Second Division, on the 11th.
From the 12th to the 18th, were engaged in daily skirmishing with the enemy, feeling for his position and strength, in the neighborhood of Gordon's Mills.
On the morning of the 19th, the enemy showed himself in strong force in the Chickamauga Valley, north of Gordon's Mills. The army was put in motion to meet him, my command, a part of your brigade, receiving and returning a heavy fire throughout the day, never shrinking from the deadly contest except when outnumbered and crushed by mere wight of numbers. The battle was renewed on the 20th, and fought gallantly, when, after repeated successes and repulses, the Twenty-fourth Ohio being on the extreme left, was crushed, and with other regiments of the brigade was forced to give
way, torn and bleeding at every part. The whole loss of this regiment is 3 commissioned officers wounded, 3 enlisted men killed, and 57 wounded, and 16 missing. The heaviest loss was on the 19th, and yet as severe fire was received on the 20th.
My present command is, for duty, commissioned officers, 15; enlisted men, 184; aggregate, 199. Enlisted men sick, 7; present, detailed, 30. Total aggregate present, 236.
Loss: Commissioned officers wounded, 3; surgeon, in hands of enemy, 1; enlisted men killed, 3; enlisted men wounded, 57; enlisted men absent without leave, 9; enlisted men missing in action, 16; enlisted men sent to hospital, 4; Aggregate, 93.
Where all did their duty so faithfully it would seem invidious to mention particular cases. The brave Capt. Wadsworth fell in the action of the 20th, pierced with two balls, and was captured by the enemy. Capt. Dryden and Lieut. McCoy, equally as brave, were borne from the field severely wounded. When the gallant Corporal Ogle, who bore the regimental colors, fell, Corpl. D. A. Leimin seized and bore them safely from the field.
A list of the killed, wounded, and missing appended.
Respectfully submitted.
Col., Comdg. Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Col. W. GROSE, Comdg. Third Brigade.
Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.].3
He was in military service with Company F of the 24th Ohio Infantry in the Union Army. He enlisted on 11 June 1861 as a private, age 23. He was captured by the Confederate Army on 20 Sep 1863 during the Battle of Chickamauga in Walker County, Georgia. He was then taken to Andersonville prison, located at Camp Sumter, Georgia.1,2 Chickamagua after battle report:
Report of Col. David J. Higgins, Twenty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
Chattanooga, Tenn., September 28, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to report the following marches and engagements in which my command has borne a part since September 4, 1863, together with a list of casualties which have occurred during that time:
This command being detached as escort to wagon train crossed the Tennessee River with 19 commissioned officers and 310 enlisted men. Of these 27 were detailed in quartermastter's department and as company cooks, and 6 sick, leaving an effective force of 277 enlisted men and 19 commissioned officers.
Rejoining the brigade on the morning of the 5th September, we marched by the way of Nickajack and Squirreltown Creek to within 10 miles of Chattanooga.
On the morning of the 9th September, the Twenty-fourth Ohio, Twenty-third Kentucky, and Eighty-fourth Illinois Regt.s, under your command, made a reconnaissance of Mount Lookout by a steep bridle-path, the Twenty-fourth Ohio in advance. Reached the top at 6 a. m., my skirmishers meeting and driving in the enemy's cavalry pickets. There we received orders to march upon Chattanooga. This we did, meeting no enemy, he having evacuated that place the night previous. We camped at Rossville, where we were joined by the remainder of the brigade.
On the 10th, advanced on the road to Ringgold, skirmishing with the enemy and passing Graysville, reaching Ringgold, in conjunction with the whole of Second Division, on the 11th.
From the 12th to the 18th, were engaged in daily skirmishing with the enemy, feeling for his position and strength, in the neighborhood of Gordon's Mills.
On the morning of the 19th, the enemy showed himself in strong force in the Chickamauga Valley, north of Gordon's Mills. The army was put in motion to meet him, my command, a part of your brigade, receiving and returning a heavy fire throughout the day, never shrinking from the deadly contest except when outnumbered and crushed by mere wight of numbers. The battle was renewed on the 20th, and fought gallantly, when, after repeated successes and repulses, the Twenty-fourth Ohio being on the extreme left, was crushed, and with other regiments of the brigade was forced to give
way, torn and bleeding at every part. The whole loss of this regiment is 3 commissioned officers wounded, 3 enlisted men killed, and 57 wounded, and 16 missing. The heaviest loss was on the 19th, and yet as severe fire was received on the 20th.
My present command is, for duty, commissioned officers, 15; enlisted men, 184; aggregate, 199. Enlisted men sick, 7; present, detailed, 30. Total aggregate present, 236.
Loss: Commissioned officers wounded, 3; surgeon, in hands of enemy, 1; enlisted men killed, 3; enlisted men wounded, 57; enlisted men absent without leave, 9; enlisted men missing in action, 16; enlisted men sent to hospital, 4; Aggregate, 93.
Where all did their duty so faithfully it would seem invidious to mention particular cases. The brave Capt. Wadsworth fell in the action of the 20th, pierced with two balls, and was captured by the enemy. Capt. Dryden and Lieut. McCoy, equally as brave, were borne from the field severely wounded. When the gallant Corporal Ogle, who bore the regimental colors, fell, Corpl. D. A. Leimin seized and bore them safely from the field.
A list of the killed, wounded, and missing appended.
Respectfully submitted.
Col., Comdg. Twenty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
Col. W. GROSE, Comdg. Third Brigade.
Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.].3
Last Edited=27 Sep 2023
- [S1538] "Andersonville Prisoners of War," database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 4 June 2008), entry for Edward Scholder; citing Andersonville Prisoner of War Database, Andersonville, Georgia; reference: p 49 [3]; p 155 [418]; page 190; code 16253.
- [S1539] "American Civil War Soldiers," database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 4 June 2008), entry for Edward Scholder; compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, Massachusetts; compiled information no specific works cited.
- [S1540] "American Civil War Regiments," database, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 4 June 2008), entry for 24th Infantry Regiment Ohio; compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, Massachusetts; compiled information no specific works cited.